One of the worst feelings is trying to forget your ex. You keep thinking about memories and the lovely time you spent together.
You keep on wondering why you can’t get over your ex. It reminds you how much you cared about that person who doesn’t hold any position in your life.
It’s better to move on from your last relationship and focus on building inner peace and find the right person who will love you despite your past.
How to forget your ex
Don’t dare to stalk your ex. I know you want to check their social media. You are curious to know what is new happening in their life. But, you need to cut off every possible way to get connected with them.
Allow yourself some time to get healed. It’s a tough time you go through after a break-up. Try to remove negativity from your life and live every moment with happiness. Give yourself time to heal your heavy heart.
Stop yourself reliving those memories. Once your ex goes out of your life stop reliving those memories you both had spent. It is going to be tough in the beginning, but moving on from a toxic relationship is the best gift you can do for yourself.
Try to see reality. You get butterflies in your stomach when you are in a relationship. But once you get out of the bubble try you see the reality of life.
Learn your lesson from the past. Ask yourself “why the relationship ended?” when you get your answers you won’t commit the same mistakes or you will learn from your past. Don’t be harsh with yourself.
Avoid finding excuses to get back again. You will keep on thinking about those lovely memories we both had to spend together. The feeling of getting back together, trying to fix things, etc will strike your head again and again. Just don’t lose your self-control and don’t get back with them.
Do not be harsh on yourself. The period of break up is very exhausting. You keep on blaming bad things that happened to you. Don’t be harsh on yourself just because the person you loved is not there anymore in your life.
Avoid being friends if you still have a soft corner for them. Being friends with your ex is such a big NO. Don’t accept the invitation if they ask you to be friends with them. Be brave enough to let the feelings go away.
Try to know what you are capable of. The time is really hard when you go through a breakup. But it is very important to figure out what is best for you. Be transparent with the feelings and allow yourself to discover new ventures in life.
Try to stay positive and indulge yourself in a new hobby. If you try to see the positive side of a breakup you will be obliged about it. Get a new hobby. Do whatever you feel like doing, you have ample time to give it to yourself. Allow yourself to learn new forms of art, learn new steps of the dance, and many more things.
Go for a shopping outing. Who doesn’t love to shop? Don’t lock yourself in a room and cry over your ex. Just pick your shopping bags, hop into a mall, and shop what you feel like.
Redecorate your house. Pampering yourself with various stuff is one of the ways to recover from your breakup. Try to give a makeover to your house. Go shopping, bring home decors, and decorate your favorite place.
Go out and see the real world. Allow yourself to see the reality of life. Staying in a relationship won’t allow you to see the real-world which is full of hypocrites.
Do not keep things that remind you of your ex. Staying in a relationship demands you to exchange lots of stuff between couples. Once you break up with them, it’s better to return or discard those stuff. It keeps on reminding them and hurts.
Cut all the possible communication ways. Keeping any sort of communication with your ex will only hurt you and won’t let you overcome the feelings. It is better to cut all the communication with your ex and live a peaceful life.
Do not ask about them from friends. It is very normal to be curious about your ex once they or you leave them. But it is not the right thing to do. Stop asking about your ex to anyone. If you both had any mutual friends try to avoid any conversation about them.
Reality and reel life are not the same. Movies have really made us believe in love at first sight. But it doesn’t happen in real life. Don’t stay in an imaginary world.
Spend time with your family and friends. Enjoy your leisure time more with friends and families. At the end of the day, they will be beside your hard times. And it will help you not to remind you of your ex.
Accept it as a part of your life. Try to accept as soon as possible that breakups are an integral part of your life. It’s not a big issue if it happens with you.
Enjoy your own company. You get enough time to discover your inner self and understand what is good for your life. Try out new hobbies, go on vacation. Simply enjoy your own company. Fall in love with yourself first then only you can love someone with your whole heart.
Do not harm yourself in any way. Sometimes breakups turn out to be so painful. Never try to harm yourself for someone else who didn’t bother to respect your feelings. Be thankful and move on.
Forgive and forget your ex. Don’t keep any hard feelings for your ex. Be an empathetic person to forgive and forget whatever happened with you.
Do not date until you are ready. Allow yourself to take some time to know what you really want. Do not date if you are not ready. Be transparent with your thoughts and heal yourself before taking any decisions.
Fall in love with yourself. Self-love is the best way to live a happy life. If you don’t love yourself first you won’t be able to love anyone.
Get more focused on work. Breakup gives us a great opportunity to understand our priorities. Try to get focused in your workplace.
Get rid of the feelings and see the reality of life. Initially, it will be tiring to forget memories of your ex. But it is the right way to treat yourself. You will get to know the real faces whom you thought to be a trusted one.
No more accidentally getting back to your ex. Don’t ever think of giving them second chances. Things will not change and it will be more awkward than before.
Stop comparing yourself. Every single person is unique in their own way. Don’t think you are less talented than others. Don’t try to compare yourself with others.
Stop having sex with them. Everybody has their own physical needs but it doesn’t mean you will continue exploiting your feelings. Avoid having sex with them or else you won’t be able to move on from your past.
Start saving for yourself as you are now single. When you are in a relationship you spend way more than normal times. Start saving for yourself and spend on your stuff.
Cry your heart out. Don’t hold onto the feelings for him/her. Cry if required. Keep your heart light and try to live a normal life.
But know when it’s time to stop talking about it. It will take time to stop talking about them. The more you talk about their memories with them will keep on haunting you.
Stop trying to be friends with him/her. Stop emotionally fooling yourself and accept the fact he/she is your past and cut all the possible connections with them. Don’t accept to be friends with them.
Decorate your bedroom with Feng shui. It is said that keeping feng shui at home attracts peace and good luck. If you want you can decorate your bedroom or house with feng shui stuff.
Celebrate the joys of being single. There are several pros of being single. Celebrate the happiness of staying single and enjoy your own company.
Remember who you are. You hold a personal identity before you were in a relationship. In case you have any doubt about yourself, pen down your positive characters in a diary, and remember how awesome you are.
Take care of your mental health. Never sacrifice your mental for anyone. If you feel your mental health is being exploited in a relationship. Try to overcome that feeling.
Plan a vacation for yourself. Don’t keep on clinging to your past, which is gone; it is completely gone. Plan a superb vacation for yourself and treat yourself like a princess. Be happy with your single life.
Imagine Spending so Much Time with Someone You Loved, and Then Suddenly, One Day, They Are Just Gone. Here Are Some Reasons Why Can’t I Get Over My Ex
Take (some) responsibility. Apart from crying and mourning over your breakup. Remember you have your personal life and you can’t waste it either way. Take up some responsibilities and concentrate on your personal growth.
Forgive yourself. Allow yourself to forgive your choice. Don’t feel guilty about trusting the wrong person who has given you a lot of pain. Be sympathetic towards yourself.
Make yourself understand that love doesn’t happen like shown in the movies. Movies have made us believe that there is no problem in our love life. But accept it anyway love never happens overnight and it takes several years to understand a person.
Accept that breakups are part of life. Many of us are not lucky enough to spend our whole life with one person. If the relationship doesn’t work out and it ends and we need to accept breakups are a part of life and we can learn many more things from our past.
Just be yourself. Never try to change yourself for anyone. If a person loves you he/she will accept the flaws within you. Don’t try to change to please their satisfaction rather change for yourself and it should benefit you too.
Learn how to avoid feeling guilty and move on from your past. Don’t hold the feeling of guilt within you. Whatever happened, it happened for your own good. Rather be grateful you came out from a toxic relationship and try to move on from your past.
Start pampering yourself. Give yourself a special treat after a breakup. Go shopping or a beach vacation. Give priority to yourself and never settle for less.
Avoid social media for a few days. It will hurt you initially when you go through a breakup. Try to avoid social media to stalk them every now and then. It is better to take down your Facebook, Instagram for a few days, and detox your thoughts to regain your normalcy.
Learn to vent feelings using pen and paper. If you can’t be vocal with your feelings, vent out your feelings using pen and paper. This is the best way to let your heart speak out. You will feel relaxed once to pen down all your feelings on a piece of paper.
Be transparent with your feelings. Breakup gives us space to evaluate our thoughts. Be transparent with your feelings regarding what you want when you move onto the next relationship.
Try to take cleansing baths after a breakup. As we detoxify our mind using several processes our body needs it too. You can try to go for cleansing baths. It feels better.
Don’t plan to get revenge on an ex. Be a mature person in a relationship. If he/she leaves you there must be a reason to go out from a mutual relationship. Never try to take revenge from your ex; it will not have any benefit rather it will show how cowardly you are.
Say NO to mutual calls. It is a big NO if your ex wants you to remain as friends. It will only hurt you and will only let you go through emotional pain.
Change the contact number. This is one possible way to cut off all connections with your ex. Change your number and stop them to get connected with you. Never try to inform them about these changes in you.
Stop discussing your ex. The more you talk about them with your friends, it will only hurt you. It won’t let you overcome the pain of being their ex.
Forget about mutual social hangouts. If any friend plans to hangout where you and your ex are being invited try to avoid those meet-ups. You may get emotionally down when you see them as your past.
Learn how to be productive in your workplace. Be more productive than before. Engage yourself with work and don’t remain idle to think about them. Keep yourself occupied.
Tell your ex you need personal space. If after the breakup they keep any connections with you and you are unable to handle it. Be polite enough to ask them to give personal space.
Learn how to open up about your feelings. If you feel suffocated then be open with your feelings. Talk to someone who can give you better advice. And learn to move on from them.
Never drink and text your ex. Whenever we are drunk our emotional part gets activated and we end up texting our ex. We let ourselves be prey to emotions, which is completely wrong when you are in a process of healing; try to control your emotions.
Stop staying indoors and move out. Don’t make yourself suffer emotionally when you have a breakup. See breakup as a great opportunity to connect with your inner self and know your worth.
Coming out of a toxic relationship is the biggest flex in life. It doesn’t matter that you have been cheated on by your ex or whatever. When a relationship is over just don’t make yourself feel guilty about it. At one point in time, you thought this is the right person for you but he/she is not there anymore in your life, moving on is the best thing you can do. Don’t be harsh on yourself.
Take time and be transparent with your thoughts and feelings for your next relationship. Best wishes and be happy!
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“Compassion, understanding, and connection” – these three words describe me the best. I founded “TheLoveBoy” to share joy of Love. As a self-taught practitioner, I have been studying the dynamics of human connection for the past decade and my passion lies in sharing my insights with others. My mission is to help individuals cultivate deeper and more meaningful relationships