How to Show Your Girlfriend You Care: 17+ Ways

Everyone wants to be with someone who genuinely cares for them. If you have a girlfriend and want to make her feel loved and show that you care for her, here are some tips for successfully doing that.

Caring does not mean going overboard and showering her with gifts. Instead, most girls want someone who pays attention to little details and cares for the little things that matter.

Tips On How to Show Your Girlfriend You Care

Get Her Gifts

Get her gifts. You don’t have to bring gifts for your girlfriend only on special occasions instead it would be more beautiful if you get small gifts for her more often and show that you care for her. 

Prepare a bath for her. Women feel the most comfortable and relaxed when they are inside a beautifully prepared bath. To make her feel relaxed after a tough day at work prepares a bath for herself with bath salts, bath bombs, and scented candles around the tub. 

Tell her about the qualities she possesses with. It is very obvious for people to point out the flaws that someone has. But you should never do that. Always keep reminding her about the special qualities that are unique and different from others. 

Be protective. Women do not need to be protected but there are sometimes when they can need your protection. Always be ready to protect her from the mishappening that can occur to her anytime. 

Accompany her in the gym. If your girlfriend likes to hit the gym daily and loves to work on herself, then you can show them that you care for them by giving them company in the gym. Doing workout and fun together. 

Accompany Her In The Gym

Thank her. You must feel good when someone appreciates your efforts to help them. So, why not make your partner feel the same? Thank your girlfriend more often for the things she does for you or for being with you. 

Create a Spotify playlist. Everyone loves to stay in rhythm, whether they are working or studying. Bring a beautiful rhythm to your partner’s life by creating a playlist on Spotify consisting of songs that your partner will love to listen to. 

Notice even the smallest things. Most men miss do not give importance to the little things that their partner does for them, and that is a big mistake. Never miss the chance to notice the tiniest thing that she does for you.  

Talk. It is the solution to all the problems. It is a way of sharing your feeling with another soul. Whenever you and your partner are free from work, talk to each other as much as you can and discuss whatever pops up in your head. 


Hold hands in public. It soothes our eyes when we see a beautiful couple walking together in public, holding each other’s hands. When you are out with your partner, just slip your hand in her hand and walk. It will make her feel that you care for her. 

Surprise her. To surprise someone, it is not necessary to give them gifts; instead, to surprise them by doing something unexpected. You can surprise your girlfriend by doing an activity which she asked you to do a long time back you never did it. 

Get close. If you are in a relationship, you have to be close to your partner. If not, make an effort to get close to her because you should be the only person close to her. Your efforts will show her that you care for her. 

Give a kiss on her hand. When a person reaches out, pulls his partner’s hand towards himself, and gently bows down to kiss her hand, he cares for her. You should often kiss your partner’s hand and tell her that you care about her. 

Give A Kiss On Her Hand

Change your phone’s wallpaper. You might have noticed people keeping their partner’s picture as their phone’s wallpaper. It is the sweetest and most beautiful act that you can do to show your concern for her. 

Do crazy stuff. Getting involved in crazy activities brings fun and joy to one’s life, and the fun gets doubled if you are partner is involved too. Do not feel embarrassed to do stuff like that. So, from now form a team with your partner and indulge in crazy stuff. 

Show interest in their passion. Your partner may be passionate in fields that you do not like, but that does not mean you will discourage them. Show your partner that you care for them by encouraging them to follow their passion. 

Take her for a dance. Dancing is a beautiful activity that is fun and enjoyable. Double this joy by taking your partner’s hand and bringing her on the stage to dance with you. She will feel this activity to be very romantic. 

Take Her For A Dance

Mixtape. They act as a beautiful gift to give someone on their special day. But you can make your partner’s normal day special by gifting her a mixtape that includes all her favorite songs that she can play whenever she wants. 

Do laundry. If you and your girlfriend are living together to see what it would be like to take a further step in your relationship, then you could do a sweet little act of help by doing laundry for both of you. 

Cook dinner for her. Women love men who cook, and they feel that they care for them. You can also show the love and care that you have for her by cooking her favorite dish as dinner for both of you. 


Ask them about their day. Every day is not the same, and so it will not be for your girlfriend too. At the end of the day, you can just ask your partner about her day at the workplace or college. This single question will show her that you care for her. 

Get breakfast in bed. Trying out living together before you take any major decision about your relationship? If you are an early riser, then there’s a very small and effortless act that will show your concern about your partner. You can get her breakfast while she is in bed. 

Text here. Do not text her only when you have some work or need a favor from her. While you are at work and have some free time, text your partner and tell them that you are missing them. This act represents that you care for her. 

Good night kisses. You should wish each other good night when you are about to hit the bed. You can even make it better with a good night kiss and if you are not living together, use emojis in the text.  

Good Night Kisses

Let her groom you. Still, it’s out of our understanding why women love to groom their men or help them in the process. But never let her down when she offers you to help. Because it might make them feel that you care for them if you allow them to help you. 

Reconnect them. Nothing is permanent in anyone’s life. But it does not mean that one should try to make it stay as long as possible. Help her reconnect with the people very close to her, but distance got created as time passed. 

Self-made card. Sometimes you might not be able to show the care that you have for her through your actions. You can express it by putting down you’re feeling on the care that you have made especially for her.  

Ask about her favorite memory.  Everyone has a beautiful incident stored in their head that is labeled as a favorite. Whenever you see your partner free or doing nothing, you can just go to her and ask her to share her favorite memories with you.  

Forgive her. Your partner might have taken some steps unknowingly that can hurt you. Instead of getting rude to her or having the intention to do the same with her should not arise in your mind. Learn to forgive her and move on from that. 

Love language. In a relationship, it is important to make your partner understand the way you show love to her. This will help her understand how you try to show her that you care for her. 

Get her pajamas. Intimacy is a lot of stuff and not just physical intimacy. If you want to show your girlfriend that you care, you could gift her a pair of pajamas to show her that you care for her comfort. We tend to love people more when we can be basic and share vulnerabilities with them. 

Get flirty in public.  Why should you always have to flirt with your partner in empty places? It would be more exciting and fun to flirt with your partner in public places, ignoring the presence of the crowd nearby and the anxiety about what others would think about them. 

Offer her a massage.  A massage can help one eliminate tensions, body pain, and the ton of work they have in their life for a small period. Offer your partner a massage after a hectic day at work. It will make her feel relaxed, and this will show that you care for her.  

Invite her close friends. Do you always invite your friends over to have fun and your partner prepares everything? Show your care for her by inviting her close friends over, and this time you should be the one who arranges and prepares everything.  

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Compliment them. Everyone feels special and good when someone gives compliments them. Then why not make your girlfriend feel the same? Never miss a chance to pass positive compliments on your partner. 

Invite your friends. She might have introduced you to her friend with the people she hangs around. Then it is important to her that you introduce your friends to her also. Because relationships are a two-way road, both of you should show that you care for each other. 

Get something for her. Stopped by a shop while going to her house to have something. Why not take something for her too? This small action of yours more often will prove to her that you care for her more than anything. 

Gift a memento. Mementos are a such special and beautiful object that has the potential to store a lot of memories in one place so that you can forget your beautiful moments. Make a memento for her with special moments that you have created together. 

Go shopping. Girls love to go on shopping, and they love it more if they have someone to give them company. So, why not you be the person to go out shopping with her? You could also spend some quality time together. 

Go Shopping

Do karaoke. Songs are the best way to tell someone how you feel about them. But you can make it challenging for yourself by taking to her karaoke and singing a song which dedicates to her and shows that you care for her. 

Find a nickname for her. It’s very soothing to the ears when someone calls you by your nickname because pet names are given out of love. In the very same way, give your girlfriend a lovely pet name that will make her feel good when you call her by that name. It not only shows love but that you care for her also. 

Send funny videos. Most people love to watch funny videos because they relieve us from our life pressures for a couple of minutes. So, why not spread that vibe to your world, which is your girlfriend, to show how much you care and want her to keep smiling? 

Watch movies together. Your taste in movies might differ from your partner that does not mean you would pressure her to see what you like. Get out of your comfort zone for a moment and watch the movie she likes together. This will be proof that you care for her. 

Watch Movies Together

Be truthful. The hardest thing to tell. The sourest thing to hear. Showing that you care for her does not mean that you always have to do something. You can be just truthful here to prove that. 

Brag about her. People love when other people brag about them to others. Are you at a party with your partner? Slide the topic about your girlfriend and brag about her to make her feel special at that moment. But don’t go too far. 

Gift her your favorite stuff. Everyone has an object attached to their hearts, even if it is nonliving, and it is hard for them when they have to give up, or something happens to them. It is a hard one but it will be best to show your concern for her by gifting her that precious. 

Hug her. Just a simple hug can do a lot of things at one time. When you give a hug to your partner, the love hormone hits in, and it will make her feel cozy and warm. When she is passing through a bad phase, just give her a tight hug.  

Hug Her

Give a book to her. Reading books can take you to a new and different world far from reality. If you are a bookworm, then you can give some of the books that you love to your partner to read it. 

Ask them to open up. Women will never miss a chance to hide their feelings from others and carry a smile on their faces. Try to break your partner emotionally so that she can share her feelings with you and let her know that you care for her. 

Brush your partner’s hair. Girls spend a lot of time making their hair, and it makes them feel special when boys compliment them. Show your love to her by offering to help her brush or to tie her hair.  

Ask for their advice. If you are making a big move in life, one way to make her feel involved in your life is to seek advice from her. They will know that their opinion matters and you value them.

Leave notes for her. This is one of the smallest yet one of the most romantic things that you can do for her. It will show that you care and they are always on your mind. It is very sweet and romantic. 

Get her flowers. Every girl loves flowers. Just getting her a bunch of her favorite flowers will show her that you care enough to make her smile at any point time in the day. Sudden gifts are always special. Gifts are best when people least expect them. It also helps keep a lasting impression. 

Be proud of your partner. If you can show your partner that you are proud of them, you will show that you care about their existence in your life. Try and introduce her to your parents or your friends. This way, she will feel wanted and will also have respect for you.

Share your secrets. When we can show our vulnerable side to someone, it shows that we are close to that person. It also signifies trust and how much you can rely on the other person. Sharing your secrets with your girlfriend will show them that you trust them with your most vulnerable self. 

Let her make plans for you. If you are the one who makes plans most of the time, let her do it sometimes. This will show her that she is as involved in the relationship as you are. This will also help in keeping things free in the relationship.

Adopt a pet.  Girls love guys who love pets and babies. It shows the quality of knowledge to care. It also says a lot about how soft-hearted a guy is. And that is a good thing. She will want to open up to you even more. 

Make little sacrifices. Making little sacrifices here and there to make her happy will show her that you care enough to even become selfless. She will not want to hurt you, and you two will eventually make the right decisions. 

Help her in dressing. A girl will fall for her guy a little more if he helps her get dressed. It is extremely romantic and will also show partnership in the relationship.

Stick to your promises. If you make a promise, be a man and stick to your word. Do not let her down. This will show maturity, and she will know how much you care to not let her down.

Appreciate her. Appreciate her and give her little compliments here and there. Truly appreciate how beautiful she looks in a dress or how nice she is as a person. Whatever you say, make sure you are honest about what you say.

Keep the spark alive. A great way to keep the initial spark of the relationship alive is by doing things that get you two together in the first place. Talk about how you met each other and what makes you fall a little harder for each other every passing day.

Drop her to work. Sometimes drop her to work. Little things like these will show the more mature side of you, and she will feel that you are someone she can trust and rely on. 

Order her favorite food. Even if you two do not completely agree with her food choices, order something she likes the most once in a while to make her feel good. This will also show her that you are making the sacrifice to make her happy, and she will go all “aww” over you.

A handwritten letter.  In a world of digital media, handwritten love letters are uncommon. But a handwritten letter can successfully preserve emotions and convey a much stronger message. Sudden gifts like this will make her feel connected to you deeper.

Sing for her. Every girl likes a guy who can sing. Sing her favorite song. Even if you suck at singing, try and do it. It will be a lot of fun and will keep things very lively and fun.  

Surprise visit at her work. A surprise visit to her work is a great way to show her that you care enough to go all the way to just tell her Hi and also how attached you two are to each other. 

Paint a portrait of her. Just like singing her favorite song, you could paint her a portrait. She will simply love it. You could also take some classes to make things work out better. Let’s face it; not everyone can paint in one go. 

Tuck your partner’s hair. It might just seem a little too Disney-like, but most girls love themselves some pampering and feeling that film-like musical romance. Tucking your partner’s hair behind her ear is a great way to feel intimate.

Click pictures of her. If you are her boyfriend, it is generally inferred that you are her personal photographer too. Jokes apart, she will love it if you click here some good pictures. Everyone likes to feel good about themselves. This will show that you care for her happiness.

A morning forehead kiss. A wake-up forehead kiss is a great way to be intimate with your girlfriend. There is just something about a forehead kiss. It will make her feel secure around you.

Wear her favorite outfits. Wearing outfits that she likes will show that you give value to her opinions and would do anything to make her happy. With women, it is all about emotions. They love to be loved. 

How to show your girlfriend you care?:

  • Showcase respect, even when the two of you are in a private space and not only in public.
  • Respect shouldn’t be something that is shown just in front of others; it should be portrayed every time and everywhere.
  • Be a good listener first.
  • Everyone can present their own opinions, but listening to her, and trying to understand the feelings she’s expressing, will make her fall for you even more.
  • Take her suggestions and opinions before deciding on something.
  •  Plan frequent small trips and getaways so that you two can spend some quality time together.
  •  Set your goals and aspirations together, and support her in every phase of her life.
  • Spend a lot of time with her, and while having a serious conversation, look into her eyes. Don’t just go joking around.

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