13 long-distance anniversary celebration ideas

Anniversaries are significant in any relationship. They do not just signify a particular landmark that the relationship might have reached but also remind the people involved of their significance0 in each other’s lives.

It is a moment to be grateful for. But all relationships are not easy. 

Ways For long-distance anniversary celebration ideas

Not every relationship allows the two of you to reserve a table at your favorite restaurant and have a romantic candlelight dinner. When you are in a long-distance relationship, anniversaries are particularly hurtful.

They serve as rude reminders of the person you miss and the good times you had together. Although distance and time apart kill during anniversaries, couples can try some novel methods to make it easier on themselves.

Surprise them with your gifts

Surprise Them With Your Gifts

Just because you do not together do not mean that you still cannot make the other person feel special. Gifts on anniversaries carry special meaning.

They should be thoughtful gifts that reflect how you feel about the other person. But gifting on anniversaries can be even more special when you are in a long-distance relationship. 

In all probability, your partner might not be expecting much on the anniversary, and that is when you can surprise them with your gifts. Surprises never cease to excite people, and even more so when the partners are far apart.

Things to remember while gifting something to your partner-

  • The most important thing to remember while gifting on anniversaries is to be creative. Make it a special gift with some subtle message that can only be deciphered between you.
  • Some inner jokes or events unique to your relationship can be incorporated into the gifts. Do not ask your partner for suggestions or even provide a hint about your skills. 

Rest assured, they will be delighted to receive your gifts, especially when you guys have been far apart for a while. Most probably, they will cherish these gifts much more than the ones you gave them while you were together. 

Send recorded messages

Send Recorded Messages

At the end of the day, your partner needs most on your anniversary to listen to you.

They want to know what you think of them and how you feel about them. Why deprive them of that? Prepare audio and video messages and send them on the day of the anniversary. 

It can get tricky if your guys are in different hemispheres and there is a massive time difference, but still work it out.

Send them the message a day earlier if you are behind on time zones and vice versa.

Do not make it a last-minute deal.

Do Not Make It A Last-Minute Deal

The last thing your partner expects of you when you are in a long-distance relationship is to forget about your anniversary. It is already tough on both of you without one of you going ahead and forgetting about your anniversary. 

If you are someone who has trouble remembering dates, save the dates on your phone. Mark them on your calendar and keep reminders for a day ahead. Suffice to say, forgetting them can be seriously harmful to your relationship. Forgetting anniversaries do not just mean you do not care but also points to the value you place on the relationship.

Drop Subtle hints to excite your partner

When you remember the anniversary well beforehand, you have enough time to make plans. Not just that, you can be sure that your projects will work out fine and would be impressive for your partner. 

You can also drop the most subtle hints ahead of time to get a clue of your partner’s preferred manner of an anniversary. It will help you in planning something along similar lines as well.

All of this requires you to be prepared to work for it way in advance.

celebrate anniversary in long distance relationship

Make it a day for your fun activities.

Make It A Day For Your Fun Activities

Although you are far from your partner, it does not mean you are not allowed to have fun on this day. It is true that being away from your partner hurts, but wallowing in the sorrow would not make you feel better. 

Connect with your available friends and embark on a day full of your favorite activities around the city.

There must be some places or activities frequented by you when you were together with your partner. Try to visit all those places.

Share Similar Moments Together

Share Similar Moments Together

Keep connected with your partner throughout the day, though. It would be even better if you could connect with them over live video and share the moments. It could be going to the movies, eating out at your favorite restaurant in town, checking out an amusement park, or simply taking a stroll in a park. 

Click pictures, shoot videos to upload on your social media handles, and tag your partner.

Your partner can do similar activities in their new cities. This way, you guys can create a virtual day together while enjoying everything that you guys used to do

Go for a dinner date

Go For A Dinner Date

Technology has developed by leaps and bounds, so you do not have to deprive yourself of that romantic dinner date on your anniversary. You can connect with your partner and plan a virtual dinner date.

It is a straightforward and highly thoughtful way of spending a day that is so special for both of you. 

Understandably, there might be a time difference between your locations, and it may not even be the same day, but does that matter? All that matters on your anniversary is whether you guys can spend some quality time together. So, what if it is lunchtime for one person whereas dinner time for another?

Here are a few tips to make the dinners special-

  • Although it is just dinner and that is too far away from your loved one, try to add something extra to it. Try to remember what your partner’s favorite dish is.
  • Order in that dish. Or better still, cook it. It may not turn out exactly how you remember it but know that it would matter a lot to your partner just to know that you tried.

Send “Open when letters.”

Open when letters can be great gifts for anniversaries, especially when you are in a long-distance relationship. There are many options to determine when the letters should be opened.

It could be straightforward, like asking your partner to open it on the anniversary. 

Or else you can also build it up like a puzzle where your partner can only open it once they solve the entire puzzle.

You can keep giving clues to the puzzle at regular intervals so that the last clue would be given on the anniversary day. 

Tips Make the letter special-

  • Once you have gone through all the trouble of planning the letter and how to get them to open it, ensure that the letter’s contents live up to the hype.
  • Sometimes an old-fashioned letter expressing your deepest feelings is the best choice.
  • Or else you could be creative and conjure your artistic side to pen a poem for your loved one. Also, ask for suggestions from your friends to gather more ideas to make it a letter worth the wait.

Just talk your hearts out.

Just Talk Your Hearts Out

If there are no plans that you are sure would work between the two of you, then just go ahead and engage in good old talking.

This can happen. If your loved one has moved so far away, then there has to be a mighty good reason for them to have done this. 

And that would also mean that they must be extremely busy with their schedule. The world does not care for anything, least of all your anniversary. So, the chances of the two of you being able to plan and make a day out of it may be too far-fetched an idea. 

Treat their bellies

You cannot cook for them. You cannot plan a romantic dinner at your favorite restaurant. What then can you do? Of course, the next best thing is to order the favorite meals of your partner for them.

Nothing makes people happy as eating their favorite meal, especially if their partner had something to do with it. 

If they did not cook it, at least they ordered it for you. They say the path to a person’s heart passes through their belly. Why not take that path on an anniversary? 

Try online movie dates.

Movies feature in almost all anniversary plans. There would rarely be any anniversary plans that do not include a romantic film with your better half.

But along with other plans, that too goes for a toss in a long-distance relationship. But now, with online streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime bringing their party watch feature, you can plan a virtual movie night with your partner. 

You can plan well in advance so that neither of you ends up watching that movie alone beforehand. Romantic comedies are always the safest option, but you can also add a spice of action or horror according to your partner’s choice.

Organize Watch Parties

During watch parties, you can chat with your partner and exchange views and comments on the series you watch.

Although this does not come close to watching anything sitting next to each other, it is better than watching something and wishing that your partner was with you.

This way, at least you can share your views with them and laugh at your inside jokes. You can also pick your favorite series and make this a tradition where you guys watch that special episode on your anniversary.

Make a visit every anniversary.

Make A Visit Every Anniversary

If you guys meet once a year, let that visit be an anniversary. Watch your movies, eat dinner, and spend the entire day together. Long-distance relationships can lead to a lot of changes in your relationship.

The change in the date of your anniversary is just one of those. But look at it from another perspective. 

Since your visits are anniversaries, they are pretty much guaranteed to be romantic as heck. Your partner would just not be allowed to bring work with them.

When life throws lemons at you, go ahead and make lemonade.


Long-distance relationships can be irritating for any couple, no matter how mature or long-lasting they are. The loss of time spent together is an obvious casualty, but not being able to celebrate special days in your relationship properly adds to the pain.

With some efforts and bargains on the parts of each of the partners, anniversaries, birthdays, and other special occasions can still be made fun.

These are just some tips to make anniversaries special when you are away from your special ones.

They do not, in any way, make up for the lack of physical proximity but still help mitigate the pain a bit. Plan your anniversaries in advance, stick to one of the ways to celebrate, and try to make as good a day out of it as possible.

In the end, always hope for better anniversaries in the coming years, and you would be surprised how those thoughts make it easier to get through the current times. Try living for a better future today.

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