150+ Would You Rather Questions to Ask Your Partner

Would you prefer questions to be one of the most amusing and effective ways to engage your partner? I realize it can be difficult to have your partner sit for a long period for games like this, especially if your companion has the energy of a golden retriever🐕 and cannot sit still. 

So, I’ve carefully chosen a few would-you-rather questions that have proven to be beneficial. You have no idea how many sensitive moments and hilarious ones😝 we had throughout the process. 

I hope you have it as well. Have a look and have a great time.

Relationship values.

Relationship Values

I honestly believe that humans have values differently in various aspects of their lives. The relationship💕 you share with your partner is one of the most crucial aspects to consider. I compiled a list of would you prefer questions that have worked for both me and my partner.

• Would you prefer to align your values and ideas on important life issues or understand and respect each other’s points of view?

• Would you prefer to go on new experiences and adventures as a couple👫, or favor a steady, routine-oriented life?

• Do you like a thorough, step-by-step plan for the future, or are you willing to go with the flow and adjust to changes?

• Would you rather have deep, important conversations every day, even if they are emotionally demanding, or light-hearted banter without getting into serious topics?

• Do you want to have distinct hobbies and interests while still spending quality time together, or do you prefer to share all activities and interests?

• Would you rather save money💸 for long-term objectives and experiences or enjoy the moment without overthinking it?

• Would you rather handle conflicts promptly, even if it leads to a heated debate⚖️, or wait for the situation to calm down before discussing it?

Personal growth

Personal Growth

Did you know that couples that choose to grow together tend to stay together for a long time because they have been through many things together, including finances💸, careers, and social lives? I had a great time discussing this with my partner. I believe you should as well.

• Would you rather prioritize individual professional objectives or collaborate on a joint entrepreneurial venture?

• Would you rather work as a team to conquer a difficult problem, even if it is beyond your comfort zone, or rely on your strengths?

• Would you rather read and discuss self-help books📚 as a couple or explore personal growth on your own?

• Would you rather actively seek out new experiences and change or find comfort in stability and routine?

• Would you rather spend more time together pursuing shared interests or prefer devoted solo time for reflection and growth?

• Would you rather have open discussions on areas for growth and improvement, or would you rather focus on celebrating each other’s existing strengths?

• Would you rather discover new common hobbies and interests or devote time to cultivating your interests?

• Would you rather find a balance⚖️ between individual and group personal improvement endeavors or focus on one or the other?

• Would you prefer to have distinct professional circles or attend networking events and social gatherings together?

• Would you rather count on each other for assistance at difficult times, or would you rather allow each other space to process and cope on your own?

• Would you rather celebrate each other’s modest victories along the journey or keep the big ones for the end?

Lifestyle choices

Lifestyle Choices

Whether you are an individual or a couple, lifestyle changes can make a significant difference in your relationship. You may need to raise your standards📈 or adapt to your partner’s lifestyle. Why not go over the questions I’ve compiled and give it a shot?

• Would you rather live a sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle or prioritize convenience and comfort over environmental impact?

• Would you rather attend a historical reenactment or see a futuristic science exhibition?

• Do you prefer to have your separate rooms in the house for alone time, or do you prefer to undertake most activities together?

• Would you prefer a fixed 9-5 ⏰work schedule with weekends off or a flexible work arrangement that may necessitate weekends on occasion?

• Would you rather enjoy a weekly tech-free day🤳🏻 or be connected 24 hours a day?

• Would you prefer to visit a new restaurant every week or have a regular reservation at your favorite?

• Do you prefer a busy social calendar full of meetings and activities, or do you prefer more private gatherings with close friends and family?

• Would you rather live in a lively city full of activity or a peaceful countryside surrounded by nature🌳?

• Would you rather take a spontaneous road trip or arrange a lavish international vacation🛩️?

• Do you like a modern, minimalist home or a comfortable, eclectic home with unique touches?



Traveling might provide you with new perspectives on your partner, as it did for me. I just found out about my partner’s travel sickness while traveling up hills by bus🚎. If you are a new couple, these series of questions can be beneficial.

• Do you prefer an adrenaline-pumping adventure holiday or a tranquil, restful beach vacation🏖️?

• Do you prefer a traditional local inn or a luxury multinational hotel?

• Would you rather explore ancient ruins and historical places or live in a modern city🏙️?

• Would you prefer to visit well-known tourist attractions or lesser-known destinations?

• Would you rather have a perfectly planned agenda🗓️ or let the journey take you where it may?

• Would you prefer to have some solo exploration time during your trip or do everything as a couple?

• Would you rather visit a country where you speak the language fluently or challenge yourself in a country where you have limited language skills?

• Would you rather stay in a forest treehouse🌲 or in a room with a wonderful view of the city skyline?

• Do you want to gather little, meaningful souvenirs from each destination, or do you prefer to focus on building lasting experiences without physical mementos?

Long-term goals.

Long Term Goals

I enjoy discussing🗣️ my long-term goals with my spouse and making room for him to discuss his with me. If we have different life goals, this allows us to be more supportive of one another. Make an effort to spend time asking each other how you may better help each other.

• Would you like to strike a balance between pursuing individual ambitions and collective aspirations or be more focused on one or the other?

• Would you prefer to work overseas🛩️ and immerse yourself in diverse cultures or develop a solid foundation in one place?

• Do you want to develop and operate a firm together, or do you want to pursue individual entrepreneurial endeavors?

• Would you rather pursue both difficult occupations with significant income potential or emphasize work-life balance and more modest financial goals?

• Would you rather save for a spectacular round-the-world trip or invest in a long-term vacation🏖️ house for frequent getaways?

• Would you want a large family with multiple children👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 or a smaller, close-knit family unit?

• Do you want to invest in advanced degrees or professional certificates to progress your career, or do you prefer to focus on experience learning and skill development?

• Would you rather concentrate on accumulating riches💶 for yourself and your family or devote a large percentage of your resources to charity causes?

Food and Culture

Food And Culture

I am a food and culture explorer🍔. I enjoy experiencing other cultures, and I am grateful that my partner shares my interests. We arrived at this understanding by trying and asking each other several questions. Some of the questions that were quite helpful to me are included here. Make good use of it.

• Would you prefer to travel the world tasting diverse foods or become an expert in creating one specific international cuisine at home?

• Would you rather cook together at home🏠 and try new dishes, or would you prefer to go out more frequently?

• Would you rather enjoy international desserts🍨 or a variety of savory dishes?

• Would you prefer to follow a vegetarian lifestyle or continue to experiment with different meat and plant-based options🌾?

• Would you prefer to indulge in sophisticated dining experiences or indulge in cozy comfort food favorites🍜?

• Would you rather make your condiments, sauces, and ingredients from scratch or rely on store-bought alternatives?

• Do you prefer dishes with spicy spices🫚 and powerful flavors, or do you prefer gentler, more subtle flavors?



The depth of your relationship is determined by how connected you are with your partner. You may like anyone, but being connected💕 with someone is a rare occurrence. My relationship began as a result of my connection with my companion. The following are a handful of the questions I asked. I hope it is also useful to you.

• Would you prefer one large, heartfelt talk every week or multiple shorter, meaningful conversations🗣️ throughout the week?

• Would you rather try new activities together or strengthen your bond through known treasured routines?

• Would you rather communicate your love through frequent physical contact🫂 or through verbal affirmations and deeds of service?

• Would you rather create new family traditions or appreciate and carry on old ones?

• Do you prefer to openly discuss and handle issues😤 as they arise, or do you prefer to discover subtle ways to compromise and maintain harmony?

• Would you rather have a regular schedule that provides stability in your relationship👫 or embrace spontaneity?

• Would you rather work toward individual goals while supporting one another or pursue collective aspirations together?

• Would you rather understand each other’s nonverbal cues or rely on open verbal communication?

• Would you rather have some privacy in some elements of your life or be entirely open about everything?

• Would you rather reflect on personal growth📈 and development alone or exchange thoughts and progress with one another regularly?

Future planning

Future Planning

In our everyday chats, my partner and I make it a point to discuss how we envision🤔 our future. Did you know that the more you talk about how you want your life to be, the more the universe will make it happen for you? So, make it a practice to pose inquiries to your partner.

• Would you rather live a sustainable lifestyle with environmentally friendly habits or prioritize ease and comfort?

• Would you rather embrace the latest technological improvements in your life or keep it simple?

• Would you prefer to leave a legacy in your local community or have a larger impact on a national or global scale🌎?

• Would you rather devote a major amount of your resources to charity causes or focus on accumulating riches💵 for yourself and your family?

• Do you prefer to prioritize overall well-being through frequent self-care practices or a more balanced approach?

• Would you rather invest in expanding your current interests or try out new hobbies together?

• Would you rather invest in additional education📚 and skill development for job progression or divert resources to other endeavors?

• Would you rather retire early, pursue personal interests, or work longer for a more secure financial future💲?

• Do you prefer to have a specific timeframe for starting a family👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 or are you willing to let it happen naturally?

• Would you rather invest in a forever home🏚️ now or experiment with different living arrangements and locales before settling down?



What is life if you don’t have a little bit of unrealistic imagination? Although it may appear impractical, I believe that having fun🥳 is crucial in a relationship. I’ve prepared a collection of questions for you to use with your companion to stimulate your creativity.

• Would you rather participate in an epic battle alongside legendary heroes🦸‍♂️ or attend a beautiful, enticing ball in a royal palace?

• Would you rather have a magical item that offers infinite wisdom or a powerful artifact that has control over the elements?

• Which would you prefer: a devoted dragon friend🐉 or a supernatural familiar with the ability to grant wishes?

• Would you like to be able to talk with animals or to understand and speak any language?

• Would you like to control a mystical underwater kingdom like Atlantis or live in a stunning mansion far above the clouds☁️?

• Would you rather have the ability to morph into any animal😺 or any inanimate object?

• Would you prefer to live in a world populated by mythological creatures such as dragons🐉 and unicorns🦄 or in a universe teeming with advanced extraterrestrial life?

• Would you want to visit an enchanted farmland👩‍🌾 or a futuristic, technologically advanced city🏙️?


Did you know that one of the numerous methods to strengthen your relationship👫 is to ask each other questions? ❓Personally, I believe it has enhanced my attitude toward my partner and vice versa. 

This helped me better comprehend my partner’s interests and ideas. My sole piece of advice is to go through the complete set of questions. Examine the questions and let me know which ones were challenging for you.

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